«Zwänzgerle» - Traditionen in Zürich

The ‘Zwänzgerle’, which means ‘throw a twenty’, is an Easter custom in the city of Zurich. - Monday, 21 April 2025, 10.00 am - Rüdenplatz, 8001 Zurich.
On the morning of Easter Monday, it is calm and concentrated under the arches on Limmatquai and on Rüdenplatz in the centre of Zurich's old town. There, children and adults stand closely packed together, focussing on eggs and small coins. The aim of the ‘Zwänzgerle’ is to throw 20-centime coins onto the eggs held out by the children in such a way that the coins get stuck in them. If they succeed, the adult thrower receives the egg and the coin. An almost impossible endeavour, which makes the children happy: every coin that falls to the ground instead of getting stuck in the egg belongs to them.
The custom seems to have its roots in the 18th century and is an Easter custom like the Easter egg toss.
It is only a few minutes' walk from the centrally located Hotel Alexander to the venue.
Venue: Easter Monday, 21 April 2025, 10.00 a.m. - Rüdenplatz, 8001 Zurich